Harriet Jacobs' "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" tells of her life in and escape from the 'Demon…
What I read and viewed during February, the month we devote in the land of freedom to Black History, in…
Booker T. Washington's "Up From Slavery" promotes a vocational training for blacks imbued with Christian virtue. Is W.E.B. Du Bois'…
The circumstances of my purchase and knowledge of "Up From Slavery," Booker T. Washington's most famous autobiography
Each year Black History month is another chance to own up to the failures of America, to learn about those…
January 2021 inaugurated both a new year and (Gott sei Dank!!!) a new president, during which I read and watched…
"The Servant" takes the traditional roles between gentleman and manservant and submits them to great artistic violence.
A glorious night when I just wanted to keep reading: first, 25 pages of Lukas Rieppel's "Assembling the Dinosaur"; then…
Repeatedly not finishing a sentence. Either subject or predicate but not both. Becomes some poetry itself.
Perhaps I began the month of December inauspiciously, insofar as I read/viewed/consumed nothing on the first day of the month…