Why reading slowly, especially War and Peace, should be practiced with solicitude, so as to fully appreciate the journey reading…
The books and films that I read and viewed during the month of July 2020, including The Life and Death…
On the phrase "hocus pocus," from Marina Warner's essay “Spellbound” on the book Drawing Down The Moon
Children in Good Morning protest social mores because they fail to appreciate the rules governing the relations of families and…
George Floyd was killed | among twenty snowy mountains | the only moving thing was the eye of the blackbird…
An explanation of the cryptic subtitle of my site, namely, that I am an erstwhile flâneur.
In which I performatively answer the question with reference to an episode of The Mandalorian, whether one should write about…
A novel of religious devotion genuinely spiritual without falling into the mirthless repetition of ecclesiastical doctrine
During the unhappy month of May 2020 I read and viewed perhaps less than I have for some time because…
ONE MAN testifies to his unquenchable virility by spending late hours in bed reading and watching movies.