A record of all things read, watched, listened to, and other notable consumptions.
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash
Pippin, 25 pp.
Kes (1979): A beautiful movie.
Tolstoy, 5 pp.
Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu “
Norell, 10 pp.
Finished HP3
Gass, half of “In the heart…”
Finished Gass: felt like I should read “In the Heart …” once more.
Norell, 10 pp.: oh my prehistoric beasts of one’s wildest imaginations and the vicissitudes of knowing that have paused at the present moment.
HP3, 30 pp.
Tolstoy, 15 pp.
HP3, 50 pp.
The Irishman (2019): Thank god that’s over.
Nz, “On Truth and Lie…”: happy happy joy joy.
HP 3, 40 pp.
Gass, 10 pp.
Parasite (2019): …
Gass, “In the Heart of the Heart of the Country”, 10 pp.
Black Narcissus (1947): Need to do Powell/Pressburger and so here I’m doing Powell/Pressburger. Did not give it my full attention. Was deleting dummy files on my computer while watching. My apologies, film gods.
Gass, 30 pp.: Fender may be deranged.
Gass, “Icicles,” 20 pp.
Norell, 20 pp.
Mission Impossible:Fallout (2018): akrasia
The Expanse, 1.6-7: why do I keep watching this crummy, poorly written show? Because I like outer space and all of the physical problems. But I have to put up with bad acting and what not to get to that. Not worth it.
Gass, “Mrs. Mean”: the last two parts were really good. Again, makes a heading for suburban reflections on neighbors and then makes an oblique, unanticipated turn for home invasion. I wish The Expanse would do that.
Three On a Match (1932): horrifying and wonderful. What precisely were these pre-code filmmakers thinking? Betty Davis was actually the bit role. And though the Criterion Channel was advertising this as a early Bogart him, and it was, his role was minimal (but his being was fierce, bulletproof)
The Expanse, 1.5
Willa C. Richards, “Failure to Thrive” (PR 231)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Gass, 20 pp., “Mrs. Mean”
Gass, 35 pp., finished “The Pederson Kid,” which did not go where I thought it would
Blackmail (1929)
The Expanse 1.3-4
Tolstoy, 10 pp.: Bezukhov joins the Masons?!
PBS: American Experience: Joseph McCarthy. Strikingly familiar. Infuriating. The documentary seemed to end with some solemnity on the untimely demise of its subject. Yet I can only think of all the people whose lives were destroyed by this man’s unstoppable vanity. Did he really fear communism? Or was it merely a way to gain the attention he sought?
Tolstoy, 30 pp. Rostov has realized that Dolokhov’s heart is black and lost a large sum of money.
Gass, 10 pp. “The Pederson Kid”
Tolstoy, 25 pp.
Tolstoy, 25 pp.
Vertigo (1958), 40 minutes
Pippin, Philosophical Hitchcock, 5 pp.
The Expanse (2018), 1.1-2
Norell, World of Dinosaurs, 35 pp.
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