What I read—James. M Cain, Galileo—was more memorable than what I viewed—"The Glory Stompers," "Marnie"—during the month of July. The…
In June, read Cain's "Serenade," watched Bogart's "Sahara" (1943), carefully perused Red Sonja, and erred into surprising reflections on time…
Any month (like May) that includes a viewing of "Miller's Crossing" and a reading of Schiller's "Don Carlos" is a…
April truly was the cruellest month, but only because I read not a word of T.S. Eliot.
Black history month extended 60 days, at least, reading through Mary Shelley and seeing my first Dick Powell film ...
What I read and viewed during February, the month we devote in the land of freedom to Black History, in…
Each year Black History month is another chance to own up to the failures of America, to learn about those…
January 2021 inaugurated both a new year and (Gott sei Dank!!!) a new president, during which I read and watched…
Perhaps I began the month of December inauspiciously, insofar as I read/viewed/consumed nothing on the first day of the month…
During the month of November what I read and viewed—what I consumed—was less varied and somewhat sparse. In fact, lost…