Idle reflections on The Leopard, by Giuseppe de Lampedusa, which narrates several events in the life and afterlife of a…
A reading journal entry on Lázló Krasnahorkai's "book" The Last Wolf, which is really two small books.
Single sentence exegesis.
Reflections on the short story collection In the Heart of the Heart of the Country by William H. Gass
Reading journal from early in the year 2020, when COVID was hitting China but just a dirty word in the…
The January 2010 reading journal addresses In the Heart of the Heart of the Country, Our Idiot Brother, Filmed Thought,…
"Clearly you are not a bowler": Can film do philosophy? Can philosophy do film?
Why do some works of art age better than others?
The promise of unnatural catastrophes turns out not to be catastrophic nor unnatural enough