Greatest hits of January 2023: The Manchurian Candidate, Austerlitz, Blood Meridian, King Lear, and The Long Good Friday
On the second series edition of the Arden Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra", both this particular 1991 printing as well as…
The greatest hits of the last month of December: Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, Broken Code by Jeff Horwitz, My Darling…
Greatest hits include the 1942 film "The Glass Key" and the 1993 film "Groundhog Day" and reading Schelling and reading…
Little aliens deeply impressed by the British Invasion arrived in Philadelphia, begged me to read and watch through October.
Purchased the Movie Tie-In edition of "Pride and Prejudice" to my profound moral chagrin
Greatest hits of September: the charming memoir "Family Lexicon" by Natalia Ginzburg, Luchino Visconti's "The Damned" and then "The Seven…
Reading aloud a poem published in the New York Review of Books September 21, 2023 issue.
Reflecting on these reminds me of how great "Germany Year Zero" and "The Player" really were. Also, "Yoga" and Henry…
Greatest reading and watching hits of June 2023 included "Men", "Sword of Doom", "Heat", "Merry Wives of Windsor", and "The…