some of the prejudices of historical progress | a prejudice that is unavoidable but pernicious
Technological progress: “things are getting better every day … in every way.” A line from a John Lennon song and also a GE jingle. Remember that version of iOS without copy-paste?
1993 commercial in which a man stands on the porch of a beach house handling what turns out to be a business call. Voiceover: “Have you ever taken a conference call in your bare feet? You will. And the company that will bring it to you will be AT&T.”
October is a good enough reason to watch scary movies. Like the vice presidential debate…
"The Kremlin Ball" narrates time Malaparte spent in Moscow during the late 1920s and the…
Greatest hits of September undoubtedly include Curzio Malaparte's unfinished novel "The Kremlin Ball"; they do…
Kept reading The Overstory" and should have finished it. Started "Homicide: Life on the Street"…
Going to a museum has always been an experience like going to church. Same reverence,…
Greatest hits: the Netflix Ripley series, "Blood and Wine" with Jack Nicholson, "Geology: A Very…